The oily skin type typically produces more sebum than others. Oily skin is frequently accompanied by larger, visible pores and a shiny appearance to the skin. Blackheads and whiteheads, as well as numerous forms of acne, are common skin conditions for oily skin.
Ayurveda & oily skin
In Ayurveda the Kapha Dosha type has Oily skin that is prone to acne and other skin concerns. This skin type benefits greatly from exfoliating ingredients such as salicylic acid and niacinamide which can help with controlling oil and blocked pores, while more traditional ingredients such as sandalwood, cardamom and turmeric have antibacterial and cooling properties to help with acne when used as a face mask or added to your diet.
Browse our skin type pages and find some information on what Ayurvedic ingredients may be beneficial for your skin.
Normal skin| Combination skin| Oily skin| Dry skin
Shop our products for oily skin
Haldi Glow Face Mask£10.00
Read more about the benefits of Ayurvedic ingredients on the skin: